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Weekly Teas

Welcome to our Weekly Teas and Special Events page!  These Open Teas occur at our new Liberty Hill location in the Pink Parlor room.  These include tea sandwiches, pastries, fresh berries, and a small dessert (chef's choice), with a specialty loose-leaf tea for the occasion.

We look forward to hosting you! 
**All open tea dates are pre-paid to secure your reservation. Click on the date desired for ticket reservations.

March Teas

BOOK Your Reservation today!

Tea Times Wed, Friday & Sunday 12:30 - 2 PM
(some Saturdays, & guest appearance specialty tea times may vary)

Fancy Spring Tea

March 2

March 5 

March 7

Afternoon  Tea Time 

March 9

March 12

March 14


Spring Bliss Tea

March 19

March 21

Afternoon Tea Time

March 23

March 26

March 28

March 30

Special Event! ~ Petting Zoo Tea Party

Saturday April 26th 10am-12pm 

     Holiday Teas

BOOK Your Reservation today!


Easter Tea Dates

Saturday April 19th 

Mother's Day Tea Dates 

Saturday, May 10th, 10am

Saturday May 10th, 1:30pm

Sunday May 11th